CedarStone in the Press!
We are over the moon loving the feature article written about us in this season's issue of Eugene Magazine!
Editor Vanessa Salvia interviewed Cueyo and Adrienne after meeting CedarStone at the Lane County Home Show where she witnessed the insanity of being entrepreneurs running a booth at a huge convention center with an infant (and multiple uncles taking turns with child care).
Eugene Magazine had a booth adjacent to CedarStone so they heard our team describe our project and witnessed people's excitement at our home designs and unique style of construction. They were also impressed with our pre-approval as a startup, and asked to feature us in their magazine.
We were not expecting such a lengthy and fabulous article and we definitely weren't expecting to make the cover of the Living section!!
This magazine comes out quarterly, so all winter this issue will be on display all over Lane County Oregon.
You can read it online now, or reach out to us for a print copy!